After installation, connect your Github organisation

  1. Click on Get Started or Configure button

  2. You will be promoted to connect your Github organisation

  3. Accept the app permission on all repos or the ones you want to configure for release tracker (you will need to be an org admin in order to grant such permission, otherwise, you can request the app installation which will be reviewed by your org admin)

  4. Now you should have your Github organisation connected.

  5. Next step is to configure your release triggers

Configuring release triggers

via Github

  1. Go to App->Manage your apps-> Release tracker (configure)

  2. Click on Configure release triggers

  3. Select the repositories you want to connect for auto release tracking and click the Save button

via Jenkins

  1. Go to App->Manage your apps-> Release tracker (configure)

  2. Follow the Jenkins instructions

via custom wehbook

  1. Go to App->Manage your apps-> Release tracker (configure)

  2. Follow the custom integration instructions